About Us >

What to Expect


We are a friendly community who likes to eat together, tell stories, pray for one another, worship together, and welcome others. We celebrate anniversaries and birthdays, cry together, show up at the important times, and hold one another close through all of life’s ups and downs

We worship together, study together, pray together. We engage the bible critically, drawing on the 2000 years of Christian seekers, as well as modern day scholarship to try to understand what it means to be a person of faith. We accept that there are no absolutely right answers and there are no dumb questions. And we remain dedicated to the way of Jesus Christ, seeking reconciliation, forgiveness, love, and grace in relationships.

We have a diversity of views within our congregation, but what unites us is our desire to pursue Christ and his teachings as we understand them. This diversity may be seen in the varied ways we approach our worship services, making space for one another. For example, we have a blended approach to the music in our worship services. Those who prefer classic hymns and those who prefer more contemporary music come together to express their love and commitment to God. 

We gather in service, collecting goods for the financially vulnerable, assisting the teachers and students at Powell Butte Elementary to prepare for the school year, and sharing our collective financial resources. We practice generosity with our neighbors, knowing that the gospel is Good News for all people. And we practice grace knowing that it was God who invited us to the table so that we might be able to welcome all others.

We are members of a progressive mainline denomination known as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) https://disciples.org/).

We are also part of the Christian Church in Oregon and Southwest Idaho, one of the 33 regions of the Disciples of Christ.